Featured Art
About the Art
Sound on for a meditative timeless artistic journey for the New Year 2025.
Timeless Spaces are evocative multi media art pieces mixing poetry, sound and colors compositions inspired by childhood memories and the dreamlike nature of home. The works examine how spaces like corners, nests, and attics of a conceptual home evoke imagination and emotion.
Created by artist Yves Peitzner and Studio TISH in collaboration with renowned percussionist Michael Askill Timeless Spaces blends poetics, illusion, and everyday imagery to explore the connection between outer spaces and our inner lives.
Viewers are invited to immerse themselves, become still, and let the colors and sounds evoke daydreams, memories, and a sense of being both here and elsewhere—a reflection on the timeless interplay of space and self.
Collector Benefits
10 unique and exclusive artworks are available for sale to the public.
All works can be customized to your displays. Contact us for questions for displays and customizations. Email: hi@xverso.io